Investment structure and performance
Our current investment strategy, the investment performance and the estimated cover ratio can be found here.
We are pleased to share positive news with you regarding the development of our pension fund.
Details of the 2023 annual financial statement of our pension fund and a short outlook for 2024 are set out below
Dear colleagues, We would like to inform you of the decisions taken by the Board of Trustees in relation to our pension fund:
The AHV reform embraced by the Swiss voting population will enter into force on January 1, 2024, and comprises the following changes:
On 1 September 2023, the revised Data Protection Act will come into force in Switzerland, on the basis of which we have adapted our privacy policy.
We are pleased to inform you about the annual financial statement 2022 of our pension fund as well as a short outlook for 2023
We would like to inform you of the decisions taken by the Board of Trustees in relation to our pension fund
In cooperation with our long-standing service partner, Kessler Vorsorge AG, we will launch an online insurance portal in the fourth quarter.
Details of the performance of our pension fund are set out below
We would like to inform you of the decisions taken by the Board of Trustees in relation to the Bayer Pensionskasse Schweiz.