The supreme body of the Bayer Pensionskasse Schweiz is its Board of Trustees. Responsibility for implementing the resolutions of the Board of Trustees lies with the Managing Director.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that due and full regard is consistently paid to the law and the fund's regulations. The Board of Trustees' further key duties include defining the fund's benefits and the financing thereof, determining overall asset investment strategy, approving the annual financial statements and determining the annual interest to be paid on working insurees' savings amounts. The Board of Trustees consists of an equal number of employer's and employees' representatives (four of each) from the three affiliated Bayer companies.
In addition to implementing the resolutions of the Board of Trustees, the fund's Managing Director is responsible for applying the fund regulations, observing all relevant legal provisions, conducting the fund's operational management and (particularly) maintaining contact with the fund's insurees.
Employer representatives
Bayer Schweiz AG
Salome Casutt 2 (Member)
Bayer CropScience Schweiz AG
Sebastian Hoch 2 (Member)
Bayer Consumer Care AG
Pascal Bürgin (President)
Benjamin Seitz 1 (Member)
Magnus Schellnock 1 (Member)
Employee representatives
Bayer Schweiz AG
Yves Windhäuser (Vice President)
Bayer CropScience Schweiz AG
Philipp Schicker 1 (Member)
Bayer Consumer Care AG
David Schoebel 2 (Chair RC)
Christine Haubold 1 (Chair IC)
Mirko Daum 2 (Member)
1 Member of the Investment Committee (IC)
2 Member of the Real Estate Committee (RC)
The Board of Trustees selects the members of the Investment and Real Estate Committees from its ranks. The Investment Committee is supported by an external investment consultant and internal specialist and the Real Estate Committee by an external real estate expert and internal specialist. The internal specialists are employees of companies affiliated to Bayer.
Internal specialist for the Investment Committee:
Ole Nieswitz
Internal specialist for the Real Estate Committee:
Oliv Brunner
Internal Data Protection Advisor:
Thomas Martin
Tel: +41 79 557 89 09
Roland Lüthold, Kessler Benefits Inc.
Tel. +41 44 387 87 05
Customer care
Supervisory Authority
BVG- und Stiftungsaufsicht des Kantons Zürich (BVS)
Statutory Auditors
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Consultant Actuary
Christian Heiniger, Willis Towers Watson AG, Zürich
Investment Controlling
Mercer, Zürich
External real estate experts
Dr. Jost Goebl, GOEBL Real Estate, Riehen
Wolfgang Bäcker, Breisach am Rhein